This picture is of an on-campus gym that I visited regularly when I was in college. I didn’t have a firm grasp on it at the time, but what we had here was more than just mechanical equipment. I guess it’s that there was a lot of equipment to work on functional strength. Can you see it in this picture? They use machines, but most of the movements involve the whole body. Just the arms, just the legs, just the back. It’s not. I want you to remember in your daily life, how many movements do you have to make to move just your arms?
≪English follows Japanese.≫
巷で噂のダイエットを試すのを否定しないが、改めてこんなことをやってほしいと思う。人間の身体をすべてバラバラに機能群として見る癖をつけてみよう。おなかの脂肪、二の腕、腹筋が割れているいないを見るのではなく。これはPoints of Youの世界では、ポージングに相当する部分だ。ポージングは精神をPoints of Youの世界に向けるための”間”ととらえることができるが、それだけではない。
What does it mean to work out in the first place? If it’s a boy, does he think of himself as muscular? For girls, do they think of being lean and trim? Both of these are likely to lead to self-confidence, but on the other hand, we are conscious of the way we look to others The gear of the second hand moves the minute hand, and the minute hand moves the hour hand.
The wheel of the second hand moves the minute hand, and the minute hand moves the hour hand. In some watches, the day and day of the week are changed by this. If this is even slightly off, everything will be turned around. I think the same thing can be said for the body. A typical example of this would be dieting.
The one that gets talked about the most is not physical activity, but rather, cutting back on carbs and fat. Dietary restrictions may be a high priority. I’m not a diet or nutrition pro, but frankly, I don’t think that’s the right way to go for your body. I don’t have one, and I’m sure everyone else thinks so too. I’m not a fan of moderate exercise, so I can do short, daddy-like exercises. Massage or acupuncture are the same in the sense that they are trying to achieve the same effect by themselves.
I won’t deny that I’m going to try some of the diets that have been bandied about, but once again, I want you to do something like this. Get in the habit of looking at the human body as a functional group all in pieces. Instead of looking at your belly fat, your arms, and your abdominal muscles as cracked or not. This is the point-of-you world’s equivalent of posing. Posing can be seen as a “pause” in which you turn your mind to the world of Points of You. You can do it, but it’s not the only thing you can do.
You call to every corner of your own body. ‘Yo, how are you? What do you think about me? I want you to ask yourself to say hello to someone like, “What do you want? And part by part. You might want to try moving your body in that case. If you emit pain, it’s clear that there’s something wrong with the gears. You can’t ignore it, because that cog in the gears may actually be working together and making things worse elsewhere. It’s all about the gears.
The ecomental College (ecomental-college.org) with personal training, such gearing is part of the training. It’s not a gym. It’s not primarily about moving your body, but it’s about moving your mind and detachment. When you are going, there are situations where you need to move your body as well. Again, your mind and body are also firmly geared together. Even if you train your body and adjust the gears, it will still come undone. This is an area that is often overlooked. The mind is a mind and the body is a body.
How about getting into this habit every day?
I always find one place in posing where I think the gears don’t fit.
You absolutely have to find it. Even if it’s a small thing.
And that’s where you ask the question?
How’s it going?